Thursday, December 10, 2009

26 in 26

Four days from now will be my twenty sixth birthday. About three years ago, I set a personal goal. I wanted to run twenty six marathons by my twenty sixth birthday.

As you can see by my "Quest to 26" list on this page, I've got a ways to go. A stress fracture two years ago and a running burnout last winter caused stagnation in my quest. Unless I run three marathons a day until my birthday (and then one on my birthday), I won't be achieving my goal.

Fear not, I realized the loftiness of my goal a while ago and made a necessary adaptation.

Twenty six marathons by the end of my twenty sixth year.

So I've got another year. And four days. To run ten marathons.

No problem. Piece of cake. Easy peasy. Right?

Luckily, I have an ultramarathon planned for March so that's one closer. (Or maybe two? I'm thinking a 50 mile ultramarathon should count as two marathons.) Plus, in training for the ultra, I hope to check a few more off the list.

But I've still got quite a few marathons to run. The other day, I went through the Marathon Guide calendar to find probable races. Location, date, time of year and course were considered. I came up with sixteen strong possibilities and many more less reasonable but still viable options.

I realize it's a lofty goal, but I'm no slacker. I aim high. Sometimes crazy high.

That's all for now. I have to run.

I've got a lot of running to do.

Note: The Las Vegas Marathon is the week before my birthday. Seems like the perfect 26th marathon and birthday celebration. Who's coming with me?


  1. We'd need to add 2.4 miles to count the ultra as two marathons...

  2. Just because you didn't reach the goal doesn't mean you didn't succeed. Think about everything you DID accomplish during the yrs of running and marathoning for this goal-- lots of marathons and well deserved medals, some PRs, probably lots of friends, running adventures, cool locations, and good FOOD!

  3. Sounds like an awesome goal - definitely doable in a year.

  4. WOW! I think that sounds like a great goal!
