Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Blame Mother Nature

I blame Mother Nature.

My last running related post was over 2 months ago, remarking on the start of the official training for my latest endeavor in the world of ridiculous physical undertakings. The past two months were supposed to be filled with countless miles run and hours spent on the trails. Instead, I was a prisoner, held captive by the evil weather gods.

Not one, or two, even three, but FOUR major snow storms dumped record breaking amounts of snow on the east coast, keeping the trails effectively in hibernation until just recently. March came and with spring just around the corner, the snow finally melted thanks to flood producing rains. The trails went from snow and ice covered to drenched in water and filled with mud.

Weekend after weekend has gone by without time on the trails. The treadmill, the streets or the couch have been meager, but ineffective substitutes.
Now with only 9 days to go until race day (or doom's day), it seems that spring has arrived. The sun is shining and temperatures are pushing 70 degrees. Just in time to taper.
Mother Nature has really had her timing all screwed up this year.

However, the 10 day forecast is calling for a high of 56 degrees and only a 50% chance of light showers in Lyndhurst, Virginia on Saturday, March 27th.
It seems like she may be trying to redeem herself.