Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Next Run

After each race, there's always one question: so what's next?

Very often, my next race is planned before the current one is over. This time I had nothing officially on my calendar until September. However, big plans were (and still are) in the works for the next adventure. (Stay tuned for the full low down when Abby and I determine our destiny.)

My next run, however, was today. I took yesterday off and got a massage to ease my sore muscles. By this afternoon, I was SO ready to run. When I got home from work, I quickly changed, put on my new race shirt and went outside ready to brave the cold, rain and a couple tight muscles. I walked the first couple of blocks, nervous to start running.

Then I started running and everything just fell back into place. My quads may not have been so excited that they were being used again, but everything else felt great. I ran to a nearby park. I ran around the park and onto a little trail through the woods. And then I ran it again. And again. I didn't want to stop.

Feeling so good just reaffirmed to me what I've known for some time, but still occasionally question- I am meant to be a runner.

Last night I didn't fall asleep until 3:15 am. I was WIDE awake. Not tired at all. I had to force myself to get into bed and close my eyes with the hope that eventually I'd drift off. Less than four hours later, well before my alarm clock went off, I was bright eyed, bushy tailed and antsy to start another day. What the hell was wrong with me?

Simple, I hadn't run. I had WAY too much energy and no way to burn any of it off. Sometimes I feel like I'm spinning around but going no where, like a hamster in a wheel. My legs and mind restless to get out and explore. Luckily, the cure is simple. Lace up my sneakers and put one foot in front of the other. No matter what, it always feels good because it what I'm meant to do.

With apologizes to Bruce Springsteen, baby I was born to run.

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