Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Incurable Optimist

After years of attempting to describe myself (and consistently coming up with merely inaccurate, incomplete or wishful representations), I have found the perfect description. My dictionary definition, if you will.

Bess Staebler (n.) an incurable optimist

I should note that I did not come up with this. It is with apologies (or thanks) to Michael J. Fox for providing me with my new description. (It is the subtitle of his new book Always Looking Up.)

I have always been an optimist. It is one of the traits that I consider most admirable about myself. I am almost always able to not only see the silver lining, but believe it to be true. I've only realized the "incurable" part recently. I've worked with people who, on a good day, are less-than-optimistic- always assuming the worst will happen, criticizing others, believing that things won't be done correctly or getting angry over little things. I am not brought down by them (remember I'm incurable). Rather, it has made me realize the benefits and advantages of positive thinking. To spare you typical cliches I am, in short, a happy person.

Not that life hasn't brought me situations where I wonder "why" or think "life sucks," but I truly believe that there's a reason for everything (sorry, that cliche just snuck in there somehow).

Why is there horrible traffic and lots of red lights when I'm in a rush? To teach me patience.

Why does my best friend have to be in Ecuador for a year and I miss her dreadfully? To teach me that a friendship can grow stronger across countries, continents and hemispheres. And that absence really does make the heart grow fonder, even if it sucks while it's happening.

Why am I an only child, despite always wishing for a brother or a sister? To teach me the value of being alone.

Why do I have Celiac Disease and am deprived of so many yummy foods? To remind me that I could have it a lot worse. And because doughnuts aren't good for you even if you aren't allergic to them.

Why did I struggle so much because I was essentially unable to read (and comprehend) until I was 20 years old? To teach me how to listen and force me to learn in atypical ways.

Why did I get a stress fracture in my foot last year? To teach me to slow down and stop for a while.

And to conclude, in an ever-so incurably optimistic mood, I came upon this quote yesterday:
Risk more than others think is safe,
Care more than others think is wise,
Dream more than others think is practical,
Expect more than others think is possible.
-Cadet Maxim
An incurable optimist who risks, cares, dreams and expects more than most. That's me. In a nutshell (or a sentence).

1 comment:

  1. great post :) being happy and optimism are GREAT qualities to have! I try to be like that most days, I have some days where it doesn't work out but at least I try :)
